Please tell me what you think about school
I am writing a book about schools and education. I am an adult now but when I was a child I found school difficult.
I have two children - one of my children likes school and one doesn't. My children have been telling me about what they like and don't like about school. They have some ideas about how school could be different and better. I am really interested in your thoughts and ideas too please.
I believe that adults should listen to what children have to say about school as they are the ones at school. Your ideas will help me write my book and I hope that lots of adults will read it and think about what you have to say.
Thank you so much for helping - hearing about what you think is really important to me.
Important information for parents:
- The first part of the form is designed for the parent to complete with some factual information.
- There are then some questions for your child to either complete by themselves if they are able to or you can have a discussion with your child and then write for them. Please type exactly the words your child uses; I really want to hear what they think.
- The final question is for your thoughts; if you would like to share anything then I would be really interested to listen.
- The form is designed to be completed on a computer rather than phone (the full question does not always show up on a phone). It could be a good idea for longer answers to draft and save these in a WORD document in case something goes wrong with the webpage - I would hate for you to lose everything you have written.
- In terms of what I intend to do with the information that you and your child provide - my plan is to use all of the information I receive to identify key themes and to discuss key issues and ideas. I may decide to use some direct quotes. If you give permission then I will use your child's first name if I quote them and if I you decide not to give permission then I will use the quote anonymously.
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